The Best Deal is the One that Closes
There’s nothing worse than being hung up in the financing process, losing money already tied up in your project, and getting lost on the way to getting the deal closed. It’s not hard to find capital in today’s market. The challenge is closing the deal. That’s where we come in. We understand deals. We understand the industry. We understand trends and, most importantly, we understand the importance of getting quick results. That being said, here’s the simple approach we take to financing a deal that’s proven to work:
Initial Project Analysis: We immediately identify lenders we know will be interested in your project. We go through all of the potential issues that may arise up front and suggest solutions so they can be resolved in the time necessary to close your transaction.
Presentation: We prepare a brief report on your project to present to lenders. Lenders are busy. They don’t have time to read extensive loan proposals or market analyses. They simply want to see the facts and we want to spark their interest.
Sourcing the Debt: We know who is likely to finance your project from the outset and we have strong working relationships with them. We don’t shop your deal around. We simply take it to the decision-makers at carefully selected companies and get quick feedback.
Working Together: With the lender in place, we live with your deal until it closes. We are your advisors, helping you overcome hurdles and lender requirements so you close the deal as quickly as possible.